Let justice be done! Multiple oppressions before the legal system from a case in Argentina


patriarchal justice

How to Cite

Reyes, R. ., Vanini, F. ., Visotsky, J. ., & Hernández, G. . (2021). Let justice be done! Multiple oppressions before the legal system from a case in Argentina. Revista nuestrAmérica, 9(17), e6092235. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6092235


The paper focuses on the description of an interdisciplinary intervention carried out within the framework of the arrest in 2020 of a woman accused of the murder of her newborn daughter, in a home delivery in 2005. The disciplinary framework of the intervention is the area of legal anthropology, in which it is about thinking about how the legal system should act in order to be able to resolve conflicts in situations of cultural inequalities, both material and symbolic. Those of us who participate belong to the historical / anthropological fields and the law and together we try to address the conflict in search of modifying the criminal situation the protagonist of this story who also participates in this article sharing her testimony. The methodological perspectives that articulate the work are within the universe of ethno-qualitative strategies, in which participant observation and ethnographic interviews are the main input of this cut.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Rosalía Reyes, Fabiana Vanini, Jessica Visotsky, Graciela Hernández


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