Epistemological pluralism and the rights of indigenous nations. Possible Utopias?
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How to Cite

Mejía Acata, B. (2019). Epistemological pluralism and the rights of indigenous nations. Possible Utopias? Array. Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(14), e6506918. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6506918


In 2008 and 2009, the first pluriinational states emerged in Latin America, causing great stir, both with particular processes that shared some features in common, especially the weight of indigenous naions and the movements they led. A decade after the new Constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia, and the declaration of their plurinationality, it is important to ask ourselves questions about the scope and limitations of the integration of indigenous rights in the Magnificent Letters, public policy and social interaction. One of the tools by which the possibility of constructing these bridges between so diverse cultural matrices was proposed, was the epistemological pluralism, from there arises the interest for the reflection that is presented in the text, resigning of entrance to the metaphor of the effervescence to describe the processes that live in these countries, trying to problematize the concept of interculturality and with that raise other concerns on the subject.

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