The defense of public education in Bahia Blanca youth demonstrations. ‘The friends of school occupation are forever’
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How to Cite

Alarcón, S. . (2022). The defense of public education in Bahia Blanca youth demonstrations. ‘The friends of school occupation are forever’. Revista nuestrAmérica, 8(15). Retrieved from


stract: In this paper I will address some common points between theoretical aspects related to youth and their political participation in the public space with the experience of school occupation the Middle Schools of the National University of the South, (onwards EMUNS), which led to held in the city of Bahía Blanca, Argentina in August 2018, whose promoters were the group of students from secondary schools, universities and tertiary bahienses. To address this experience, I will take as empirical data some publications spilled in some media related to “the taking” and the manifestations (data, memories, anecdotes, perceptions, assessments) issued, in a collective interview, by a group of Secondary students and an EMUNS teacher who actively participated in the event.

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