Towards a decolonial pedagogy in/from the global South
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How to Cite

Ortiz Ocaña, A. ., Arias López , M. I. ., & Pedrozo Conedo, Z. E. . (2018). Towards a decolonial pedagogy in/from the global South. Revista nuestrAmérica, 6(12). Retrieved from


The interpersonal relationships that develop in the classroom space between teachers and students, in which the curricular contents have an extraordinary importance. It is necessary that teachers recognize the plurality and diversity of ways of living, being, being, thinking of our students, so as not to incur in these exclusionary actions in which coloniality underlies some of its dimensions. Decolonizing education means, among other arguments, recognizing that the indigenous, peasants, Afro or deaf, come to the university not only to learn and transform but also to teach. The decoloniality of education is achieved to the same extent that the validity and importance of the "other" knowledge not formalized by the colonial matrix is recognized. Finally, if we want to deploy decolonial pedagogical biopraxis, we must do so with the intention of configuring decolonial thinking and, in turn, these decolonial pedagogies require teachers to develop our thinking from the edges and the border.

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