The function of gold in ‘Decades of the New World’ by Pedro Mártir de Anglería
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Limeres Novoa, F. . (2019). The function of gold in ‘Decades of the New World’ by Pedro Mártir de Anglería: Array. Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(14). Retrieved from


The analysis focuses on the production of meanings of the sign "gold" in "Decades of the New World" by Pedro Mártir de Anglería, from decoloniality and discourse analysis. Reading the story of Pedro Mártir de Anglería signifies not only his text; but what is more important our own historical period and to know the origin and validity of certain ways that have invariably been repeated in American history or better, in our antihistory because it is evident that one of the most marked consequences of the euphemisms of progress and modernization has been the divergence in the roads that follows abundance and pauperism, both chronic in each part of the hemisphere. So the question that organizes our analysis is: what is the role played in the text by the gold sign?

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