Community participation, trust and perception of rights in Latin America and the Caribbean: evidence from 18 countries
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How to Cite

Sossa, A. ., Olivos, F. ., & Brange, A. . (2019). Community participation, trust and perception of rights in Latin America and the Caribbean: evidence from 18 countries: Array. Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(14), e6508528.


In this article, we intend to understand the association between community participation, trust in the community and the perception of protection of citizen rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. For this, we use data from LAPOP's AmericanBarometer 2012 for 18 countries in the region. Our study differentiates between two fundamental types of community participation: institutionalized (associativity) and community action. The results indicate that both types of participation are positively and significantly related to community trust. However, the perception of rights protection is only associated with institutional community participation. In conclusion, this gives evidence that trust in the community is a transversal pillar of community participation. However, there are also, not institutionalized opportunities for participation and mobilization, independent of guarantees of rights not guaranteed by the political system.
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