Canto Fundamento’s Manifiesto: historical document as a discursive genre
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How to Cite

Vargas Ampuero, L. . (2020). Canto Fundamento’s Manifiesto: historical document as a discursive genre: Canto Fundamento’s Manifiesto: historical document as a discursive genre. Revista nuestrAmérica, 8(16), e6481952.


To carry out this work we have used the manifesto as a historiographic source read in terms of discursive genre, as part of a broader historical process. It is a source originally written for propaedeutic purposes. However, it ended up becoming the base Manifesto of an artistic movement as heterogeneous as the troubadours in Patagonia. From its analysis, we dimension it as an artistic manifesto that includes in it the doubly controversial dimension: the artistic and the political. This includes the self-ascription of a collective of identification based on the discursive construction of an adversary with whom they argue. In this way, it is possible to account for some of the discussions whose validity is constantly updated and which is part of a broader debate that is that of the autonomy and neutrality or not of art. But in no way is the Manifesto to be construed as a programmatically adhered to prescription. Rather, it is about the intersection of debates, which had been originating from the end of the Dictatorship and which was reactivated from the discourse of the "end of ideologies", during the nineties.
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González, Juan Pablo. 2015. Pensar la música desde América Latina. Problemas e interrogantes. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

Hernández, José. 2009 [1872]. El gaucho Martín Fierro. Catamarca: Gador.

Mangone, Carlos y Jorge Warley. 1994. El Manifiesto. Un género entre el arte y la política. Buenos Aires: Biblos.

Verón, Eliseo. 1987. “La palabra adversativa. Observaciones sobre la enunciación política”. En Discurso Político. Lenguajes y acontecimientos, escrito por Eliseo Verón et al., 10-26. Buenos Aires: Hachette.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Lorena Vargas Ampuero


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