Educational planning in pedagogical processes within the framework of the formative praxis of the critical educator in the school



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Capera Figueroa, J. (2023). Educational planning in pedagogical processes within the framework of the formative praxis of the critical educator in the school. Revista nuestrAmérica, (22), e10357325.


This study addresses the centrality of educational planning to achieve quality education. The goal is to explore collaboration among teachers, the relationship between planning and continuous improvement, and the importance of managerial ethics in school administration within the framework of recognizing the configurative praxis of collective imaginaries that break with the rationalistic perspective in institutions inherent to the neoliberal model. A qualitative approach is employed, analyzing academic texts and engaging in horizontal dialogue with education stakeholders who distance themselves from the traditional approach to educational planning. Findings highlight the need for curricular alignment, managerial efficiency, and continuous assessment for effective teaching. Managerial ethics and a willingness to learn emerge as fundamental for the collective transformation of educational institutions. In the discussion, the relevance of teacher collaboration, adaptability in planning, and ethics in resource administration is emphasized, conceived from the propositional fields of collaborative work within the community. Ultimately, it is underscored that educational planning is not only a continuous process but also an essential tool for inclusive, equitable, and quality education, which should be guided not by classical standards but by the collective needs and demands of social groups in comprehensive community life preparation.


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Copyright (c) 2023 José Javier Capera Figueroa


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