Liberation from Enrique Dussel (and its critics)
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Marcos, J. . (2019). Liberation from Enrique Dussel (and its critics). Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(13). Retrieved from


Contemporary and updated immersion in the thought of the philosopher, theologian and historian Enrique Dussel. Given the depth of his thought and the extent of his bibliography, this article draws critically on the link between his project of liberation and his foundation of ethics, a proposal that runs through his work, although it is especially condensed in the years that act as a hinge between the 20th and 21st centuries. With that starting point, it is analyzed the plurality of influences and paths that run through the philosophies of Latin American liberation, seen above all through the classification of the also liberation philosopher Horacio Cerutti. All this to put the focus on the lights and shadows of the domination-liberation schemes proposed by the Argentine-Mexican thinker Dussel. Especially relevant are the liberations directly linked to the three transversal dominations that he extracts from the face of the levinasian Other, that is, the widow, the poor and the foreigner, from which he establishes the respective erotic liberations (against male and patriarchal domination), pedagogical (against the educational model based on repetition) and political (against man as a wolf for man).

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