The femicides of the year 2020 in Jujuy, Argentina


feminist movements
gender violence

How to Cite

Cejas, A. (2023). The femicides of the year 2020 in Jujuy, Argentina. Revista nuestrAmérica, (22), e8278192.



The work is focused on the institutional responses given to the community of the Province of Jujuy by the government, during the year 2020, when an escalation of femicides was generated, reaching 14 femicides during said year. The institutional response will be analyzed in light of the perceptions of two key social actors, on the one hand, the relatives of the victims and, on the other hand, the grassroots feminist organizations that exerted social pressure to guarantee the roles of the state, forcing the powers instituted to respond according to the seriousness of the gender violence caused. In turn to analyze the institutional responses, the femicides that occurred in the province of Jujuy, during the year 2020 and the role of the provincial state in front of them and in particular when the social actors demanded its action will be analyzed. The analysis of the femicides that occurred in various places in the province of Jujuy, will have a detailed study, through analysis of what was reported by the media, the reports of grassroots feminist organizations and what was expressed by the relatives of the women. victims, in the media and personally.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Alejandra N. Cejas


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