The space, place and territory of the Baixada Fluminense in the Epistemologies of the South


Epistemologies of the South
Baixada Fluminense
Black Press

How to Cite

Mercês, D. . (2023). The space, place and territory of the Baixada Fluminense in the Epistemologies of the South. Revista nuestrAmérica, (22), e8125889.



This article aims to present some aspects of Grande Iguaçu, a region located in Baixada Fluminense, metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in the light of the so-called "Epistemologies of the South", a concept created by researcher Boaventura de Sousa Santos. To this end, using the book of the same name, especially the chapter written by the geographer Milton Santos, the concepts of space, place, and territory will be evoked to mark the understanding of who this region marked by former captivity is, as well as to present the periodical Correio da Lavoura, a newspaper run by black men, founded by the afro-iguazuans intellectual Silvino de Azeredo on March 22, 1917. The "South" of this article will be present when proposing a debate on what this region, marked for a long time as a place dominated only by violence, abandonment, and misery, has been. It is expected, based on the bibliographical research as a research methodology, to present one of the possible ways of understanding the rich history of Nova Iguaçu.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Diogo Piassá das Mercês


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