How do you assume you're alive?
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How to Cite

Millán, M. ., Villamayor, M. ., Martínez, E. ., Degele, P. ., & Nuñez , E. . (2016). How do you assume you’re alive?. Revista nuestrAmérica, 4(7), 62–77.


We propose to divide a text from the academic reason that proposes an epistemic rupture with the conceptual category Pu Mapunche Ñi Gijañamaun (the being constituted by the territory, the spiritual aspect, the cultural identity and the Mapuche politics). Within our original culture pre-existent to the national state, the person is conceived as a natural force, so it has no gender. Our body is understood as territory, in the sense of a space where the individual and collective identity has been built ancestrally. Two cases of women originating from are analyzed in different historical moments in which the national state's vision was reflected in the scars of the bodies of native women, as in the case of Damiana and the case of Reina Maraz.
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