The constitution of the trainer teacher


teacher training
eternal teacher
teaching complex

How to Cite

Costa, W. (2023). The constitution of the trainer teacher . Revista nuestrAmérica, (21), e7508813.


This article presents part of the investigation process of the research 'Back home: from the eternal teacher to the teaching complex', whose unique objective was to analyze the fulfilled desire of a specific group of teachers: to return as a teacher at the school where they studied. The work adopted the study of analytical bias on the research of Sobreira (2008), highlighting mainly the concept of eternal teacher advancing to another perspective: the teaching complex. The central question of the research was to discover how the wishes/wishes/dreams of teachers interfere in their pedagogical and professional choices. Therefore, it discusses through the analysis of the interviews carried out with thirty professors who fulfilled this dream/desire, trying to excavate in their reports the feelings in relation to the return, their memories of the student days and of Professor Admirado (Sobreira, 2008).


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Copyright (c) 2023 Waleska Rodrigues Costa


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