Forms of bioeconomic appropriation of common goods
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Useche Aldana, O. ., & Naranjo, F. . (2019). Forms of bioeconomic appropriation of common goods: Array. Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(14), e6510350.


Colombia has suffered a long armed conflict whose deadly and devastating consequences have disproportionally affected the most vulnerable population. The most affected have been women, who have deployed their strength to work toward the construction of peace and coexistence. War has shaped the bioeconomic mode of power over life and, with its extractive megaprojects, has created new territories for the free market. These strategies displace numerous communities from their lands and severely affect ecosystems. At the same time, expressions of social resistance intensify and are linked to the emergence of territories for life, to the conservation and expansion of the commons, and to the reconstruction of the relationships that were destroyed by war and voracious forms of the transnational market linked to extractivism.
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