Challenges of communal governments in Michoacán. Direct budgets in the era of the judicialization of indigenous rights in Mexico
Visor (ES)


presupuesto directo
Gobiernos comunales

How to Cite

Ventura Patiño, M. (2021). Challenges of communal governments in Michoacán. Direct budgets in the era of the judicialization of indigenous rights in Mexico. Revista nuestrAmérica, 9(17), e6372884.


The demand for the direct budget runs through the indigenous geographies in Michoacán in the so-called P’urhépecha Plateau, becoming the main flag of the contemporary indigenous movement in the state. Nearly a dozen communities have filed this lawsuit with the judicial authorities, at least six of them already exercise this right; others are awaiting sentencing. There are other communities that also administer these resources but did not resort to the de jure route. We consider it important to explain, how this demand arises within the state indigenous movement? What were the specific motivations of the communities? What challenges have you faced? What have been the implications of this exercise in your community life? And what paradoxes has brought about the judicialization of these rights? Contributing to the answers to these questions constitutes the purpose of this writing. We include the analysis of the law initiatives that seek to regulate and depoliticize these processes.
Visor (ES)


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Copyright (c) 2021 María del Carmen Ventura Patiño


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