Tensions and limits of teacher education and the democratization process of the Brazilian school
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Paulo Freire
Enrique Dussel

How to Cite

Eckhardt, F. . (2021). Tensions and limits of teacher education and the democratization process of the Brazilian school : Tensions and limits of teacher education and the democratization process of the Brazilian school . Revista nuestrAmérica, 9(18), e5708442. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5708442


The insertion of popular classes in a pedagogy course was the focus of this study that aimed to understand how the demands and expectations of these subjects could contribute to rethink the formation of teachers in this course. The subjects investigated were students of the fifth period of pedagogy course of a private university in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its theoretical-methodological framework was Popular Education and Decolonial Studies, assuming dialogue as a way through participant observation and conversation circles. The research results indicate that the boundary situations of teacher education are caused by the epistemology to which the modern school project and the Brazilian university are linked.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Fabiana Eckhardt


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