Racialization, blackness and racism in Latin America
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How to Cite

Pineda G., E. . (2021). Racialization, blackness and racism in Latin America: Array. Revista nuestrAmérica, 9(17), e5594766. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5594766


This research work aims to understand and make visible the process of racialization to which the African population was subjected in order to justify their kidnapping, transfer and slavery in the American continent during the colonial period. The construction of imaginaries and narratives that allowed their exploitation, favored rejection and resistance to the abolition of slavery, and excluded the black population from the process of construction of the emerging Latin American Nation-States. The research also investigates the role of Latin American blacks in the independence processes and how structural racism became the mechanism for sustaining inequality and the domination of the racialized population after the abolition of slavery on the continent. Finally, an analysis is made of how this situation described continues to affect the lives of millions of black people, their situation and living conditions, and how racism and anti-racism is reconfigured and expressed in Latin America today.

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