Nikan ka tlapowalistli: stories from here. Traditional short stories as an emerging pedagogy for a bilingual intercultural education in Tepetzintla, Veracruz
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linguistic revitalization
own education
native language

How to Cite

Argüelles Santiago, J. (2018). Nikan ka tlapowalistli: stories from here. Traditional short stories as an emerging pedagogy for a bilingual intercultural education in Tepetzintla, Veracruz. Revista nuestrAmérica, 6(11). Retrieved from


In Tepetzintla, the displacement of Nahuatl by Spanish language leads us to consider that the community is in a process of alienation from its aesthetic, historical, cultural and linguistic heritage. Nowadays, it is essential to implement a project designed to encourage the use of the Nahuatl language both oral and in written form through short stories that reflect the wisdom of previous generations. The creation, recreation and dissemination of the local stories are the activities aimed at strengthening the elements that are part of the cultural identity of the native Huastec people to advance in the processes of revitalization and to strengthen the appreciation for the linguistic diversity of the region.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Jazmín Nallely Argüelles Santiago


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