Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The journal implements measures to prevent plagiarism, whether direct or indirect. To avoid plagiarism situations, a software is used to detect similarities. Specifically, the Plagiarism Checker X software is used at the time of receiving manuscripts and when changes are applied. The software generates a similarity report that is then analyzed by a human, who determines whether the similarities correspond to plagiarism or not.

If necessary, manual searches for matches will be conducted using internet search engines.

Authors receive their similarity report in PDF format. The maximum allowed similarity is 15%. In cases where more than 15% but less than 20% similarity is detected, it will be analyzed whether the percentage is justifiable. In cases where the percentage is higher, manuscript modification will be requested; if the modification is not accepted, the manuscript will be rejected.

The journal acknowledges and declares that the responsibility for determining plagiarism lies exclusively with humans and that software tools are only aids in the process but cannot determine whether plagiarism exists or not.