Access to justice, migrants and gender violence: Municipio de Lanús
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How to Cite

Jaramillo Fonnegra, V. (2016). Access to justice, migrants and gender violence: Municipio de Lanús. Revista nuestrAmérica, 4(7), 29–44.


The following is an excerpt from an action-research carried out in the Municipality of Lanús between 2015 and 2016. In it, we evaluate the access to Justice in cases of gender violence against migrant women who live in the area through the analysis of the juridical-institutional system, which plays an important role in the ways in which migrant women perceive their possibilities of escaping from their situations of violence. Being poor, being a migrant, having no education, not having registered employment and being a victim of gender violence, is a powerful cocktail of inequalities that exerts dramatic impact on the ways that migrants approach Justice. There are, however, different forms of resistance, some of which we will show in this writing.
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