Participatory methodology for teaching science in megabiodiversity places


Paulo Freire
empirical field research
rural school
environmental education

How to Cite

Nunes , N., Ayres, A., & Brando, F. (2022). Participatory methodology for teaching science in megabiodiversity places. Revista nuestrAmérica, (20), e7492681.


The study proposes a participatory methodology for science classes in places with megabiodiversity, such as Brazil. The Amazon region is the largest tropical forest in the world and one of the last frontiers of knowledge regarding natural resources. The biological megadiversity found in these environments, so little known, arouses the interest of the entire world. Knowledge of this biodiversity and these natural resources is embedded in the culture of traditional peoples. This knowledge is maintained through generations and generations and constitutes one of the main sources of information about this huge region of forests. The methodology was developed from the dialogue between Paulo Freire's theoretical-methodological perspective on learning and the programmatic content required by the Secretary of Education of the State of Amazonas. In this work, the study location, history of the school where the practical experience was carried out and the participatory methodology used for classes are presented. Reflections on the learning process are presented through field and bibliographical research. We conclude by proposing the use of this methodology in other schools in the region or similar.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Nina Lys Nunes , Ariadne Dall’acqua Ayres, Fernanda da Rocha Brando


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