The artivist as an organic intellectual? Approaches to a complex relationship


cultural hegemony

How to Cite

Delupi, B. . (2022). The artivist as an organic intellectual? Approaches to a complex relationship: The artivist as an organic intellectual? Approaches to a complex relationship. Revista nuestrAmérica, 10(19), e6685903.


Throughout history, both the role of the artist and that of the intellectual have given rise to countless reflections by theorists from different fields of knowledge. However, while these two figures seem to have, at first glance, little in common, the world reconfiguration of the 21st century revived the proposal that Antonio Gramsci (2012 [1948]) almost 100 years ago when it extended the notion of intellectual to all those who could perform connective-organizational tasks within civil society. Following this line, the aim of this work is to stress the figure of the artivist with that of organic intellectual. To this end, the proposal is, in the first instance, to recover some notions of the intellectual, particularly the conception of Gramsci, as well as that of the artivist that appears in the Latin American public sphere to denounce the different inequalities that exist. Then, the relationship that traces Chantal Mouffe (2012) will be explained in his analysis of the work of the Chilean Alfredo Jaar and his proposal to think of the artist as an organic intellectual. The results of the research show that both figures present remarkable points of contact in the social articulation of the common and the war of oppositions in the struggle for hegemony.


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