Prospects for the great transformation. Breathing after the coronavirus
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buen vivir

How to Cite

Acosta, A. . (2020). Prospects for the great transformation. Breathing after the coronavirus: Prospects for the great transformation. Breathing after the coronavirus. Revista nuestrAmérica, 8(16), e6481758.


The coronavirus landed us in the real world, the possibility of dreaming and posing utopias has not disappeared. Under this scenario, addressing the great transformation, in terms of Karl Polanyi, is an exercise underpinned by the optimism of the will. And from that perspective we open the debate from the global South rescuing Good Living, in the plural, and the decrease from the other side, that is, from the global North. The decrease and the Good Living, to approach this approach we must pay attention to make visible the criticisms and the potentialities, putting them in a broad context, offering all the possible elements that guide the reflection, all with a necessary post-capitalist horizon. This discussion offers us a double contribution, it gives us clues of how that other world could be possible; Let's say it from the outset a world where many worlds fit: the pluriverse, where all human and non-human beings can live with dignity.
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