Egyptian Mathematics and the Ario-racist model. Re-reading Critically the Origin of European Philosophy
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How to Cite

Proto Gutiérrez, F. . (2017). Egyptian Mathematics and the Ario-racist model. Re-reading Critically the Origin of European Philosophy. Revista nuestrAmérica, 5(9), 121–124. Retrieved from


This paper is a critical rereading of the philosophical transit mythos-logos from a liberationist and de-colonial perspective. Based on a nihilist-nehilizing de-constructive technique and on the demarcation of parallels between the ancient Kemetic thinking and pre-platonic/platonic thinking, I present the model case that structured a Greek history of mathematics in which the black-African thinking was excluded to participate. Such a historiographical versions the one that persists in an a-critical form in most of the curricular designs colonized by the modern epistemologies, without considering the intercultural-dialogic origin of the European philosophy itself.

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