Bilingual Literacy in Indigenous Schools in Mexico: distance between the normative and the descriptive
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indigenous languages
indigenous education
bilingual schools

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Hernández Zamora, G. . (2018). Bilingual Literacy in Indigenous Schools in Mexico: distance between the normative and the descriptive. Revista nuestrAmérica, 6(11). Retrieved from


The development of literacy around the indigenous languages will hardly be achieved through top-down cultural and educational policies. It is a process that demands the creation of broader socio-economic, political and cultural conditions, which are neither strictly normative nor school-based. However, there are tasks that effectively correspond to the educational system. In this tenor of ideas, this paper explores the distance between the formal normative plane (which includes the creation of institutions, dependencies, programs, plans and educational materials) and the real descriptive plane (which includes what actually happens in schools), from the specialized literature review and immersions in Mexican bilingual schools.

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