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visão de mundo

How to Cite

Capera Figueroa , J. J. . (2018). Revista nuestrAmérica, 6(12). Retrieved from https://nuestramerica.cl/ojs/index.php/nuestramerica/article/view/432


The Jorge Alonso Chair has become in recent years a space for the consolidation of critical thinking, theory and practice in Latin America. It is currently considered as a place where the complexity of the phenomena that directly or indirectly affect the dynamics of SOUTH-SOUTH is being considered. A locus of enunciation that brings with it a set of critical analyzes alluding to the ecology of knowledge and popular dialogue between different types of knowledge, that is, a way of interacting between theory and practice to constitute another reality in our contexts local, national and international.

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Jorge Regalado (coord.). 2017. Pensamiento crítico, cosmovisiones y epistemologías otras, para enfrentar la guerra capitalista y construir autonomía. México: Cátedra Interinstitucional Universidad de Guadalajara-CIESAS-Jorge Alonso. Recuperado de http://www.catedraalonso-ciesas.udg.mx/content/pensamiento-cr%C3%ADtico-cosmovisiones-y-epistemolog%C3%ADas-otras-para-enfrentar-la-guerra

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