Mexican anti-communism: paramilitarism and rumor campaigns (1964-1976)
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Galván , A. . (2019). Mexican anti-communism: paramilitarism and rumor campaigns (1964-1976): Mexican anti-communism: paramilitarism and rumor campaigns (1964-1976). Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(13). Retrieved from


The Mexican foreign policy developed by the governments of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was traditionally linked to the defense of the sovereignty of nations. In the decade of the seventies the international speech acquires a tone positioned to the left. Between 1964 and 1976, in the context of the cold war, we witnessed the process of radicalization encompassing several political specters: the modification of the State's mechanisms of repression of social movements; the irruption of the Mexican socialist armed movement; and also the clandestine organization and action of some sectors linked to the Catholic Church and business groups. The objective of this work is the evaluation of the relationship of the Mexican State with the groups ideologically identified with the right based on some examples located in the reports of the Federal Security Directorate (DFS) - intelligence agency of the regime - that allow us to understand the multiplicity of the organizational processes and the performance of those groups, and evaluate the weightings of the Mexican State before them.

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