The intersectional paradigm as a necessary look at teacher training in ESI in Argentina


comprehensive sex education
teacher training
human rights

How to Cite

Villar, R. . (2022). The intersectional paradigm as a necessary look at teacher training in ESI in Argentina. Avances En Ciencias Sociales, (2), e6972444.


In this advance, an investigation is presented that seeks to problematize teacher training in Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) in Argentina. This research is part of the Scholarship to stimulate scientific vocations of the National Interuniversity Council (CIN) in the project: "Social representations on sex-gender identity constructions in the framework of teacher training in ESI". The methodology is interpretative and qualitative, in addition the categorical analysis is used around the work with documents. Thus, we discover, based on the theoretical analysis of intersectionality in its connection with various contemporary research on teacher training in CSE; that it is of utmost relevance, for the training of future professionals, the approach of this theoretical perspective in their undergraduate careers. We understand that problematizing the intersectional paradigm, from ESI with a Human Rights perspective, will enable, for future teachers, the construction of educational scenarios, in principle, more just and democratic.


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