The problem of the philosophies of the Original Peoples
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Reyes , J. (2018). The problem of the philosophies of the Original Peoples : An approach from the philosophy of liberation. Revista nuestrAmérica, 6(11). Retrieved from


In the present work I propose to communicate what I consider to be a radical challenge to the way in which we have been practicing what we have called "philosophy" and which responds to an explicit Eurocentric character from which it has not been able to divest. Because it can not be denied that the question of "the philosophies of the native peoples, that is, the autochthonous philosophies of the different civilizations of humanity, is a frank provocation to what has been considered par excellence as the" contribution "of the West to the world. In what comes to pretend to account for these prejudices that have made it impossible today to fully acknowledge this issue and that the disarming of these ethnocentric prejudices implies the urgency of a critical-liberating philosophy. Because it must be said that the central demand in this issue continues to be to be able to liberate the voices of history that have been hidden by an imperial power. In the achievement of "the philosophies of the original peoples" we inevitably find ourselves in the redefinition of philosophy as an essentially human activity.

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