Decolonial affective Turn: from modern Guilt/Debt to the Dignity of the Living. Reflections from an analectic approach
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Soazo Ahumada, C. . (2019). Decolonial affective Turn: from modern Guilt/Debt to the Dignity of the Living. Reflections from an analectic approach. Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(13). Retrieved from


This article problematizes the affectivity of the modern/colonial project arised from the logic of identity/difference, especially in relation to guilt and its possible decolonization associated to the delinking of its economic dimension founded on debt. "Modern" guilt responds to the fetishism of law, exchange value, and the modern-aesthetic canon, vantage point of logical identity/difference and its trend to transcend/instrumentalize the subaltern corporal experience, while its decolonization, which come from of the dignity of body, the materiality of life, must be founded on an analectical point of view in which the similarity is concerned to the aesthesic/affective materiality associated with the immanence of life, embodied in a serie of vital practices, many times linked to religious experience, which characterize the affective experiences of the global South.

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