Mito, Moralidad y ‘Politización’ en el escenario de radicalización del conservadurismo brasileño
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Cazetta, F. (2019). Mito, Moralidad y ‘Politización’ en el escenario de radicalización del conservadurismo brasileño. Revista nuestrAmérica, 7(13). Recuperado a partir de


After the "manifestations of June" in 2013 the extra institutional political landscape has changed, with the inclusion of individuals that were away from the spheres of decision-making participation. On the other hand, this did not mean the politicization of the layers that are presented as a source of pressure. What happened was significant simplification of the political debate and the polarization of it, between "left" and "right", "petralhas" and "coxinha" among other names. Therefore, the article aims to analyze this diffusion phenomenon and at the same time, policy advisory services, with emphasis on the use made by conservative and authoritarian proposals.

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Derechos de autor 2022 Felipe Azevedo Cazetta


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