Overcoming the Absurd in Education from an Intersectional Perspective



How to Cite

Paredes García, A. (2023). Overcoming the Absurd in Education from an Intersectional Perspective. Avances En Ciencias Sociales, (3), e10162340. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10162340


This work critiques contemporary education, focusing on the disconnect between educational proposals and teacher training, especially in religious sciences and theology. Ministerial policies suppressing religious aspects are analyzed, emphasizing the lack of adaptation to students' needs. The intersectional approach is addressed, highlighting the need for a cultural education that incorporates the unique aspects of each region. The conclusion calls for a change in the educational model, advocating for training that promotes independence and interculturality. The challenge lies in overcoming diluted education and focusing on building knowledge that arises from encounters with others.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Ariel Ramón Gerardo Paredes García