Nature and its place in the collective identity of the population of Andalgalá, Catamarca, Argentina



How to Cite

Katz, M. K. (2022). Nature and its place in the collective identity of the population of Andalgalá, Catamarca, Argentina. Avances En Ciencias Sociales, (1), e6578844.


In this advance we propose to address the problem about nature and its place in the collective identity of the population of Andalgalá, in the Province of Catamarca, Argentina. For this we will consider the approaches of the testimony and the phases of the definition of history as an operation, in this sense we will analyze the documentary, explanatory and narrative phases. For this we will review Ricoeur's texts "History, Memory and Oblivion", "The Self as Another". Based on the findings made, it is considered that the population of Andalgalá has a biocentric and/or ecosystem perspective.


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