Teacher training and comprehensive sexual education at the Higher School of Visual Arts in Bahía Blanca, Argentina


teacher training
comprehensive sex education

How to Cite

Medici, J. . (2023). Teacher training and comprehensive sexual education at the Higher School of Visual Arts in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Avances En Ciencias Sociales, (4), e10162386. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10162386


In this preview, we present an ongoing research that addresses comprehensive sex education (CSE) at the Higher School of Visual Arts in the city of Bahía Blanca, Argentina. The issue arises from the demand of students in the teaching programs of the institution, recognizing the need for comprehensive sex education. Understanding the right and obligation to receive CSE in higher education institutions in our country. The methodology employed in conducting the research is participatory investigation. This methodological choice is primarily focused on the need to build, together with the students, the tools to generate changes in their education, giving them a leading role in the development of the work. In this initial presentation of the progress, we will primarily focus on students in the Graphic Design teaching program, although the proposal is for the institution as a whole.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Juliana Ailem Medici