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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Declares to be aware of all the guidelines for submissions to this journal, including citation standards and the evaluation process.
  • You must attach a signed document declaring that you grant permanent non-exclusive publication rights to Ediciones nuestrAmérica desde Abajo.

Author Guidelines

To cite, follow the Chicago guidelines in the "Author-Date" section (not to be confused with the "Notes and Bibliography" section) available at:


Title, abstract, and keywords in the original language of submission (it is not necessary to present them in English if that is not the original language).

Title: It must be explicit, written in a single sentence, without literary embellishments or fantasy titles. It cannot have a subtitle or separate them with periods or colons. The only punctuation allowed in the title is the comma. It must explicitly address the content of the article. Its maximum length will be fifteen words.

Abstract: It is self-sufficient to understand all the content of the article. It should outline the object of study, the objective, methodology, findings, and conclusions synthetically. Its maximum length is 150 words.

Keywords: There can be four or five. They are concepts written simply with a single word or compound form. They cannot be author names. They must exclusively point to the content of the article.

The basic structure of articles should be introduction, methodology, findings, discussion. It is not necessary to call them that, but these four elements should be easily understood within the article regardless of the order. For example, the methodology can be at the end of the introduction or findings can be analyzed and discussed repeatedly throughout the study (this is an author's style aspect, the important thing is to be able to notice that the elements are present).

Submissions are made exclusively in .doc or .docx files. The paper size is Letter, with narrow margins. The font size is 11. Single spacing is used. The leading space is set to zero "0". The trailing space is set to six "6". No indentation is applied.

The font used is Poppins Light. The Poppins font family can be downloaded for free from Google Fonts

It is not mandatory to submit using the font used by the journal. Instead, you can use the Century Gothic font. This will give you an idea of the length your article would have when edited.

Personal Information

Name, as you use it for your publications. If your surname may cause confusion with a given name, please separate your name into two parts. In the case of Lusophone authors, please indicate which surname you use for identifying your articles (usually the second surname).

Highest degree obtained, only the degree of which you already possess.

Academic status, for example, doctoral student, lecturer, academic of, etc.

Academic affiliation, only the highest institution, for example, the university and not its dependencies.

City and country, must be consistent with the academic affiliation. Both city and country data must be provided. These data correspond to the institution and not to the nationality of the author, for example, if you are from Colombia and your affiliation is from Argentina, then you must mark the country as Argentina and not as Colombia.

Email, must be the public one, preferably the institutional one.

ORCID, it is mandatory to present this identifier. If you do not have one, you can register at the following link

Biodata, it is added at the end of the article, after the references table. It is a synthetic summary of the CV or resume. It presents all academic degrees from highest to lowest. Academic activities and affiliations including any dependencies, such as faculties, departments, research groups. Activities such as research projects are mentioned. You can also add links to your last three publications to be disseminated. Blogs or personal websites can also be included at the end, but social networks are not accepted.


Add a separate file to your submission stating the following:

Declaration and Permissions

I, [ADD YOUR NAME], declare that my manuscript is original and has never been published by another journal or included in any book. I declare that I am not submitting this same research to another journal or book and that I will not do so until I receive responses from the evaluation process of the Avances en Ciencias Sociales journal. ¨[ONLY IF YOU HAVE IT] I declare that my manuscript is published as a preprint at the following site [INCLUDE THE PREPRINT LINK].

I grant permanent non-exclusive publication rights to Ediciones nuestrAmérica desde Abajo so that it can use my manuscript if accepted for publication. I understand that I cannot later revoke this permission from the publisher, but I also understand that this does not affect my copyright or my rights to future publication. The permissions I grant to the publisher are exclusively for publication in the Avances en Ciencias Sociales journal, including all translated versions that may appear of this journal. The permission also allows the publisher to add my manuscript to collections within books edited or co-edited by Ediciones nuestrAmérica desde Abajo. I understand that any translation or publication in books will be reported to be included in files, but I declare that I understand that the Publisher will not need any additional permission to use my manuscript within the aforementioned options.




All submissions are made through this platform.


This section accepts all types of articles and essays that align with the editorial guidelines of the journal. Professionals, preferably with a postgraduate degree, and postgraduate students are welcome to publish in this section. Contributions from professionals with a bachelor's degree and research experience, as well as publications in journals or books, are also encouraged. Those without prior experience should submit to the "Research in Formation" section. All submissions undergo a rigorous peer review process and must adhere to the journal's formatting guidelines.

Research in Formation

This section is dedicated to highlighting original research works carried out by advanced students, recent graduates, or those without previous research production. Research projects, case studies, and literature reviews are accepted. All works undergo a rigorous peer review process and must comply with the journal's presentation standards. The section will appear whenever accepted submissions meet this criterion. We invite you to contribute your work and share your discoveries.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.