Context and political tensions of psychology in Ecuador in its epistemic foundation


higher education
professional profile

How to Cite

Viteri Bazante, F., Baldeón Loza, S. ., & Sosa Guachamin, C. . (2023). Context and political tensions of psychology in Ecuador in its epistemic foundation . Revista nuestrAmérica, (21), e8063830.


This paper analyzes the current situation of psychology in Ecuador, which is affected by political tensions that limit its practice. Its evolution in academia and civil society is examined, with a focus on the most recognized clinical psychologists. A recent history is presented, highlighting the modernization of the state since the government of Rafael Correa and the current regulations. The regulation of titles and the controversy surrounding the profiles of graduates and the needs of the public health system are discussed. Constant changes in educational regulations have generated interinstitutional disputes. The regulation of psychology by the Ministry of Health and changes in higher education laws are addressed. It is acknowledged that psychology as a science and practice is the only affected party. The paper highlights the ontological and epistemic crisis influenced by political and economic interests. The lack of a demarcation criterion and the weakening of the discipline to address psychosocial problems are mentioned. Psychology in Ecuador faces challenges in its practice and regulation, leading to a crisis that affects its ability to address current social problems.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Frank Viteri Bazante, Susana Baldeón Loza, Clara Sosa Guachamin


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