The pandemic of inequality: a story beyond COVID-19



How to Cite

Rosas Sánchez, G. (2022). The pandemic of inequality: a story beyond COVID-19. Revista nuestrAmérica, (20), e6888531.


The impact of the pandemic on the world economy has been profound and is expected to be far-reaching. Among the most adverse is the deepening of income inequality among the population. This paper aims to go beyond the statistical description of the increase in inequality and tries to explain the origin of inequalities as a process caused by the prevailing ideology about the economic functioning and the process of deregulation that began in the 1970s. In addition, there is a dual character of government support implemented during the pandemic to avoid the collapse of the economy. On the one hand, the discourse on austerity and self-regulation of the markets is set aside, attacking economic orthodoxy and on the other hand, the evidence shows that the supports mainly sought the breakdown of the economy and the financial sector instead of prioritizing the population resulting in an unprecedented increase in inequality.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Gabriel Alberto Rosas Sánchez


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