Echoethical contributions from the communitarian feminism of Latin America
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Espericueta, J., & Fuente López, L. (2021). Echoethical contributions from the communitarian feminism of Latin America. Revista nuestrAmérica, 9(17), e6169040.


In the midst of Guatemalan mountains and Bolivian neighborhoods, two groups of Xinca and Aymara women, dedicated to eradicating the violence suffered by indigenous women, began to organize all their experiences and condensed them into what they called Communitarian Feminism. This feminist current, despite being eminently militant, has been able to develop itself theoretically and has created a series of essential categories to achieve its claims. The objective of this work is to make visible the valuable eco-ethical dimension of this Latin American proposal. In order to do so, we will proceed to identify their distinctive features; subsequently, we will address the categories used, and making use of experiences from the region, we will extract from them elements that we consider essential for the eco-ethical task not only for Latin America, but for the whole world.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Luis Espericueta, Laura de la Fuente López


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