Aristide and the impossible conciliation: the exhaustion of the Haitian democratic transition
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Andrade, E. (2021). Aristide and the impossible conciliation: the exhaustion of the Haitian democratic transition. Revista nuestrAmérica, 9(17), e6168656.


Between 1990 and 2004 Jean-Bertrand Aristide governed in three different periods or Haiti, a permanent situation of political instability, led by attempts at military coups or popular mobilizations. Aristide emerges as a national leader from the beginning of Catholic-based popular movements that ganharam força na crise final da ditadura dos Duvalier (1957 - 1986). A major part of two studies on a recent history of the country is concentrated on characterizing that the violence and structural crisis of the Haitian state will be the basis of the situation. In order to seek explanatory hypotheses from the pouco period, institutional continuities are addressed that are preserved on the one hand and, on the other, pressures of external economic and political interests on the country. We seek to problematize these hypotheses, from historiographical and theoretical debate and from historical sources confronting the contradictions and possibilities that will open Aristide's governesses.
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