Social movements and the Colombian State: a troubled relationship
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movimientos sociales
represión policial
cerco mediático

How to Cite

Leal Roncancio, G. (2022). Social movements and the Colombian State: a troubled relationship: Social movements and the Colombian State: a troubled relationship. Revista nuestrAmérica, 10(19), e6012828.


In the first part, this work attempts to address some conceptual elements about social movements and the new ways in which citizens mobilize within the framework of the era of virtual networks and the digital world. In a second part, it is proposed to carry out as a context a historical account of the movement of indigenous peoples represented in the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC) and of the peasant movement of Cauca. Two experiences of social movements that have stood out for their forms of organization and impact on Colombian society. The focus is on the demands, complaints and thematic agendas that have been mobilized for years and the lack of interest in meeting their requests that different governments have shown, and in particular that of Ivan Duque. Finally, a recount is made of the recent events in which various sectors of Colombian society mobilized against a tax package presented by the government of Iván Duque before the Congress of the Republic and that generated a huge citizen mobilization based on what has been called the 28A of 2021 and that has lasted for more than a month.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Giovanny Gilberto Leal Roncancio


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