Epistemological Foundations of Social Psychology and its Practices at a Public University in Quito in the Period 2021 – 2022


social psychology

How to Cite

Bravo Muñoz, C. ., & Viteri Bazante, F. . (2024). Epistemological Foundations of Social Psychology and its Practices at a Public University in Quito in the Period 2021 – 2022 . Revista nuestrAmérica, (23), e12696750. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12696750




The present article is a compendium of the historical evolution of Social Psychology, highlighting its object of study, influential figures, differences between American and European currents, and the impact of sociopolitical events. It focuses on scholars who have significantly contributed to the understanding of interactional and group processes. It also analyzes the training in psychology at a Public University in the Metropolitan District of the city of Quito, with an emphasis on the cognitive-behavioral approach and the integration of social perspectives in student training. This approach provides a solid theoretical foundation and applicable practical skills. The importance of research based on cognitive-behavioral approaches and local contributions is emphasized, highlighting the relevance of regional research in the development of the discipline. Ultimately, this compendium illustrates the relevance of Social Psychology for understanding human behavior in social contexts and its implications for contemporary society, emphasizing its practical applications and global reach. It is a valuable resource for scholars and those seeking to apply principles of Social Psychology in a constantly changing world.



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