Equipo editorial


Jessica Visotsky


Ismael Cáceres-Correa


Editorial Board

Jessica Visotsky, PhD in History. Postdoctoral researcher in Human and Social Sciences, Bachelor of Education Sciences. Professor and Researcher in the Departments of Education and Human Rights, and Pedagogy II, at the University of Southern National. Argentina. Research focus on critical pedagogies, human rights, adult education, feminist studies using participatory and qualitative research. jessicavisotsky@yahoo.com.ar

Ismael Cáceres-Correa, popular educator, History and Geography professor, graduated in Education and holds a degree in Humanities from the University of Concepción, Chile. He completed a diploma in philosophy of liberation at the National University of Jujuy-AFyL, Argentina, and pursued studies in philosophy of historical reality at the Central American University José Simeón Cañas, El Salvador. Additionally, he studied scientific journal editing at Latindex. Ediciones nuestrAmérica desde Abajo, Chile. His research focuses on the philosophy of history, history education, and critical pedagogy. He also conducts research on scientific journal editorial management, an area in which he has been involved in teaching. For inquiries, please contact him at contacto@revistanuestramerica.cl

Zulay C. Díaz Montiel: PhD in Human Sciences, Master's in Philosophy, Master's in Business Management, Bachelor of Philosophy, Economist. University of Zulia, Venezuela. Research focus on ethics, interculturality, emancipatory social justice. Recent publications: Justicia social emancipadora. Teoría social desde la episteme crítica de la racionalidad comunicativa y la interculturalidad latinoamericana (2021), Raúl Fornet-Betancourt. Intersubjetividad, diálogo y ética intercultural (2017). http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6673-8652 / diazzulay@gmail.com

Angela Yesenia Olaya Requene: PhD in Anthropology, Master's in Pedagogy, Sociologist. Research Associate, Academic Coordinator at the Afro-Latin American Research Institute, Harvard University, United States. Recent publications: "Expulsiones de pueblos afrodescendientes en Colombia: Tránsitos y confinamientos en geografías precarias" (2021), "“Vivir al límite”. Niñas y niños afrocolombianos en tiempos de guerra: un estudio etnográfico en la frontera entre Colombia y Ecuador" (2021). https://alari.fas.harvard.edu / certificado_alari@fas.harvard.edu / yesenia-olaya@fas.harvard.edu

Esther Pineda G.: PhD and Postdoctoral degree in Social Sciences from the Central University of Venezuela, Sociologist, Master of Science in Women's Studies. Author of the books: Cultura femicida. El riesgo de ser mujer en América Latina, Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros Editorial (2019), and Morir por ser mujer. Femicidio y feminicidio en América Latina, Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros Editorial (2021). estherpinedag@gmail.com

Elmys Escribano Hervis: Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences from the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences (1999). Bachelor in Education Pedagogy-Psychology from the Enrique José Varona Pedagogical University (1985). Full Professor at the University of Matanzas (2007). He served as Vice-Rector for Research, Postgraduate Studies, and International Relations at the University of Pedagogical Sciences in Matanzas from May 1997 to July 2014. His thesis, "The Concept of Education in the Work of José Martí," was awarded the National Prize for the Best Thesis (1999). He has systematically published the results of his research in various books, book chapters, and Cuban and foreign journals. He has been a speaker at international events in Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia. Coordinator of the International Symposium on Education and Culture in Ibero-America (since 1996 to the present), president of the Academic Committee of the Master's in Education program at his university (since 2000 to the present), which holds the status of an excellent program.

Giovanny Gilberto Leal Roncancio: PhD in Social Sciences. Visiting Lecturer at the National University of Avellaneda, Argentina. Researcher at the Collective of Studies and Social Research - CEIS Project. Research focus on the rights of migrant individuals. Recent publications: Trabajar en lo que sea, arreglarse por su cuenta (2022), "Movimientos sociales y Estado colombiano: una relación conflictiva" (2022). https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2788-8826 / leal.giovanny@gmail.com

José Javier Capera Figueroa; PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the Ibero-American University (Mexico); Master's in Sociology from the José María Luis Mora Research Institute (Mexico); Political Scientist from the University of Tolima, Colombia; caperafigueroa@gmail.com http:/orcid.org/0000-0003-1823-2814

Milagros Elena Rodríguez: PhD in the new trends and integrative currents of thought and their concrete manifestations from Universidad José Martí de Latinoamérica, Mexico. PhD in Mathematical Education, Thought, and Religation in Transmodernity from Universidad Nacional Experimental de Yaracuy, Venezuela. PhD in Education Sciences from Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas, Venezuela. PhD in Cultural Heritage from Universidad Latinoamericana y el Caribe, Venezuela. PhD in Educational Innovations from Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas, Venezuela. Master of Science in Mathematics from Universidad de Oriente. Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. Currently, an external tutor at Multiversity Mundo Real Edgar Morín, Mexico. Member of the Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute, Budapest, Hungary. Author of over 300 research publications in high-impact indexed national and international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Author of more than 30 books and published chapters. Research lines include: 1) education-transcomplex transepistemologies, 2) economics-administration-management-and transcomplex finances, 3) regression analysis and Dummy variables, 4) mathematics-daily life-and integral pedagogy, 5) transdisciplinary transdidactics of sciences and complex development, 6) Transcomplex Heritage Education, 7) Transcomplex Decolonial Mathematical Education, 8) transestemiologies of knowledge-knowings and transcomplex transmethodologies, 9) Paulo Freire: the wanderer of utopia in transmethodologies, 10) Planetary decoloniality-complexity in re-ligation. Full-time Research Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Postgraduate Studies at Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. http://melenamate.blogspot.com/ melenamate@hotmail.com


Scientific Committee

Daniel Feierstein; PhD; Director of the Center for Genocide Studies, National University of Tres de Febrero; Researcher at CONICET; Suipacha 927, doorbell 2, 2nd floor; (C1008AAS) Buenos Aires City; Argentina; Tel. (5411) 4893-0961 ext. 209; dfeiers@gmail.com

Graciela Hernández; PhD; National University of the South; CONICET; Argentina; grahernandez16@gmail.com / https://acortar.link/W9J1Az

Luis Ajagán Lester; PhD in Education from Stockholm University (Sweden); Chile

Francisco Cantamutto; PhD; Postdoctoral Fellow at CONICET in the Institute of Higher Social Studies, National University of San Martín; Argentina; franciscojcantamutto@gmail.com

Rodrigo Medina Zagni; PhD in International Relations; Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil; rodrigo.medina.unifesp@gmail.com

Sueli de Lima: PhD in Education, University of Rio de Janeiro; Brazil; suelima@artedeeducar.org.br /

Sara Albieri: PhD in Philosophy. University of São Paulo; Brazil; sara@usp.br / http:/historia.fflch.usp.br/docentes/sara

Graciela Bolaños; Social Educator; Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca; National Indigenous Organization of Colombia; Colombia; gracielabolanos@yahoo.com.mx / http:/www.cric-colombia.org/

Pablo Ospina; PhD from the Center for Latin American Studies and Documentation, University of Amsterdam; Andean University Simón Bolívar; Ecuador; pablo.ospina@uasb.edu.ec / http:/www.uasb.edu.ec/web/area-de-estudios-sociales-y-globales/docente?pablo-ospina

Gustavo Esteva; Professional at the University of the Earth Oaxaca; Mexico; gustavoesteva@gmail.com / http:/gustavoesteva.com/

Francisco Javier Gómez Carpinteiro; PhD in Social Sciences; Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities; Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla; Mexico; panchog39@hotmail.com

María del Carmen Ventura Patiño; PhD in Social Sciences with specialization in Social Anthropology; Center for Rural Studies; El Colegio de Michoacán; Mexico; ventura@colmich.edu.mx

Alex André Vargem: Director of Human Rights Promotion at the National Secretariat for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (Brazil). Ph.D. candidate in Social Sciences at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp / Brazil). Member of the Human Rights, Migrants, and Fight against Xenophobia Commission of the State Council for the Defense of Human Rights (CONDEPE), a civil society board linked to the Secretary of Justice and Citizenship. Research focus: Sub-Saharan African Migrations in Brazil.

Mariana Katz: Lawyer, Ph.D. candidate in History at the National University of the South, Argentina.

Richard Yáñez Silva; Master's in Art and Heritage; Catholic University of the Holy Conception, Chile; ryanezste@gmail.com

Ana Téllez Luque; Master's in Social Anthropology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. anmatelu5@gmail.com

Wiman Rizkidarajat; Master of State Law graduate from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Central Java and Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Lecturer at Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Central Java Indonesia. He researches in the field of sociology of law and popular culture. wiman.rizkidarajat@unsoed.ac.id / https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1946-9565




Legal Representative

Ismael CáceresCorrea


Evaluation referees

*The names of external individuals who have collaborated on peer review processes on various occasions are presented. To maintain double-blind anonymity, the period of collaboration will not be indicated.

Eduardo Molina Morán; Master's degree; State University of Milagro; Ecuador

Gabriela Hernández Aguirre; Master's degree; National Pedagogical University, Puebla Unit; Mexico

Gisela Carlos Fregoso; PhD; University of Guadalajara; Mexico

Jazmin Nallely Argüelles Santiago; PhD; "Adalberto Tejeda" Primary School; Tepetzintla; Veracruz; Mexico

José Antonio Duchi Zaruma; Master's degree; National University of Education; Ecuador

Josefina Aguilar Guamán; Master's degree; National University of Education; Ecuador

Luis Alberto Herrera Montero; PhD; University of Cuenca; Ecuador

María Guadalupe Huerta Morales; Master's degree; Autonomous Benemérita University of Puebla; Mexico

María Verónica Di Caudo; Master's degree; Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina; Argentina

Marie-Eve Drouin-Gagné; Master's degree; Concordia University; Montreal; Canada

Michael Uzendoski; PhD; Florida State University; United States of America

Susana Bautista Cruz; Master's degree; National Autonomous University of Mexico; Mexico

Trish Gorman; PhD; United Way of Central Indiana; United States of America

Nadia Hakim Fernández. PhD, Researcher at Itd/ Polytechnic University of Madrid