nuestrAmérica Journal of Social Research 2024-07-21T07:15:43+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>This journal is the English-language version of <em>Revista nuestrAmérica</em>, ISSN 0719-3092</strong>.</p> First distinctions towards an ecology of liberation 2024-07-20T01:21:18+00:00 Enrique Téllez Fabiani <p>The aim of this article is to analyze the logical steps necessary to recover the material, following Enrique Dussel's philosophy. The study is based on his early insights and on the interpretation of nature as a cosmos accessible to humanity. The methodology includes a review of Dussel's texts, emphasizing proximity and proxemics as categories of his philosophy. Findings reveal an economic and ecological sub-architecture in Dussel's work. The discussion suggests the relevance of this sub-architecture for a proper interpretation of his work and for the development of an ecology of liberation.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 nuestrAmérica Journal of Social Research Towards an aesthetics of South-realist art 2024-07-20T01:14:35+00:00 Alan Quezada Figueroa <p>As part of the philosophical system developed by Enrique Dussel, his aesthetic ideas can be found scattered throughout his reflections, albeit not always explicitly stated. In the latter stage of his thought, the scholar developed hypotheses for an Aesthetics of Liberation, from which emerges the current proposal—an analysis aimed at contemplating art from the Global South based on its own needs, in response to the dominance of a Eurocentric art aesthetic.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 nuestrAmérica Journal of Social Research Considerations on selfishness from a critical anthropology of subjectivity 2024-07-20T01:24:56+00:00 Jorge Reyes López <p>Traditionally, from a standard leftist position, selfishness has been rejected and demonized as part of a capitalist ethos. Latin American critical discourse has inherited this interpretation from revolutionary junctures and progressive transformations of the region's political regimes. However, current reality demands that we embark on a series of critical anthropological considerations about the concept of selfishness (of the "Self") in order to understand the new flows of political dynamism, especially digital, that will define humanity's fate in the coming decades. The most intimate dimension of subjectivity must be re-examined without prejudices to comprehend the current claims of new generations and to not be left out of this dizzying and passionate history.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 nuestrAmérica Journal of Social Research Intercultural dialogues between the ethics of liberation and the ethics of discourse 2024-07-20T01:18:16+00:00 Abdiel Rodríguez Reyes <p>On the occasion of paying tribute to the teacher Enrique Dussel, we reflect on North-South intercultural dialogues in particular, between the ethics of discourse proposed by the great German philosopher Karl Otto-Apel and the ethics of liberation, developed by Dussel.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 nuestrAmérica Journal of Social Research